The City of Carson has 41 large boxes of petition signatures.
If the City of Carson received 15,000 signatures with only one signature per page that would be 15,000 sheets of paper.
They had 41 stations each with its 300-page book that would be 12,669 sheets of paper
Giving us a total of 27,699 sheets which would fit in less than 56 letterhead boxes.
This is a link to Office Depot where you can see the box and that it contains 5,000 sheets of paper.

City Clerk Presenting Petitions in 41 moving boxes
With only three positions on the Carson City Council being occupied at this time, that means that Carson’s City Council is short two council members in order to have a full complement of council members. Yet the three member city council took it upon themselves to vote on a MAJOR ISSUE that will effect Carson’s residents for years to come. The three member council had the option of placing this major issue on the ballet so that the residents of Carson could vote themselves if they want to deal with such a major development being brought to their city.
Carson has a population of approximately 98,000+ residents and the supposed petitions are bragging of having 15,000 signatures which is equal to only 15% of the total population of Carson. So pray tell me how does that equate to the majority of Carson residents wanting to put up with a new stadium that has the potential of seriously disrupting the normal and presently enjoyable life in the city of Carson?