Category Archives: Messages



April 30, 2018

Unanimous vote of Carson City Council to silence the TRUTH

I am sharing this with all of you because it is not just an attack on Carson Connected and me, but because it is Carson Connected today and it could be you and your neighbor tomorrow.

I’ve lived in Carson since 1960, I grew up and went to school in Carson and I love and care about the people and this city. I started Carson Connected to inform Carson residents about issues that affect our lives. But, when our city officials have the arrogancy to attend town hall meetings and hear the over whelming wishes of the residents only to vote against them, to publish an article with a photo that offended a large segment of our residents, to insult people that come up to speak before them. Than to use the city attorney office whose pay comes from our tax dollars to try and intimidate and deprive me of my First Amendment Right the Freedom of Speech and you from the truth is going too far. Continue reading

Setting the record straight

There have been some statements posted on Carson Connected’s Facebook page and I would like to set the record straight.  First off, it was said that I said the MMR vaccine did not cause autism.  I never said that, I posed a question asking if it is just a coincidence that California started watering crops that feed the world with oil drilling wastewater approximately 2 years before the epidemic of autism started and a surge autism in 2011 when we had a surge in oil drilling in California.  There have been many tests one of them the in 2015 by JAMA who tested 96,000 children and it was determined not to be the cause of the epidemic.  It seems after 20 years of poisoning us with oil drilling wastewater they’d begin real testing on the effects. Continue reading

Oil & Gas Code

Thanks to the planning commissioner who just call and gave me a rundown on how the meeting went on March 30, 2015 with the city attorney in regards to the oil & gas code and ban on fracking!!!


Carousel Community Oil Drilling

Occidental Petroleum, Carson Estates, Watson Land and Carson City Council is responsible for the Carousel community having to live with oil drilling across the street from their homes.