Carson backs away from its ban on fracking

The criminals of Carson couldn’t force the residents to be responsible to pay to stop fracking so they just gave up.  Their illegal actions were not just to force fracking but oil drilling in whole, as such any drilling will be subject to removal just like the criminals holding positions here in Carson California.

Link to Daily Breeze article Carson backs away from its ban on fracking

4 thoughts on “Carson backs away from its ban on fracking

    1. admin Post author

      You are correct the people (residents) are against new drilling including fracking. Appointed Mayor Albert Robles, Councilman Elito Santarina, Appointed than Elected Councilman Jawane Hilton, and Appointed Councilman Cedric Hicks voted to abandon the ban on fracking when it was discovered they had a loophole that made the residents responsible for the expected profits of the oil under Carson. Councilwoman Lula Davis Holmes voted to keep the ban on fracking with the loophole.

      It is being said Carson is not frackable that is not true. While oil prices are low, they will not frack but as soon as prices go back up, they will be back.

      1. Julius Abadilla

        Thanks for the reply.
        What loophole did our representatives use against our (residents) wishes?
        Can we still do something to reverse this decision without incurring big expense?
        Julius A (MI14)


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