
City Council Sneaking in New Oil Wells

Albert Robles, Elito Santarina and Lula Davis-Holmes have against the wishes of the Carson residents been helping the oil industry sneak back into Carson.  Much like they helped sneak in Albert Robles.

Jim Dear, Elito Santarina, Lula Davis-Holmes knew they were assisting Albert Robles commit a crime here in Carson.

1 thought on “Aiding and abetting?

  1. Lyn Jensen

    Isn’t this entire situation interesting? Jim Dear, Vera Robles DeWitt and several other Carson leaders wholeheartedly supported Al Robles running for council (mostly because they wanted Julie Ruiz Raber OFF the council, for various reasons of their own, in a tangle worthy of an Agatha Christie plot). Now Mr. Dear and Mr. Robles have a falling-out and Mr. Dear threatens to expose Mr. Robles as not having lived in Carson for many years. The anti-Dear contingent doesn’t see this turn of events as a negative reflection on the current mayor, They only see it as more ammo to use in their Dear-hunting. Very interesting!


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